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Bicycles on road with riders

Time to Protect Walkers and Cyclists – Mobile Alabama

By: wpadmin | Sep 26, 2014

Anyone who enjoys walking or riding a bicycle in the City of Mobile knows our city streets are not user friendly to walkers and cyclists. In fact, the City of Mobile only has one on-road bike lane in the city limits. News reports of fatalities and serious injuries involving pedestrians and bike riders are way too common in our city. Changing something that needs fixed takes time in any city especially one with the red tape we have at our city hall. Fortunately many local pedestrian and bicycling groups are stepping up their efforts to educate the local community about the need for safe bike and walking paths. One such group–The Mobile Bicyclist Pedestrian Advocacy Committee– has recently initiated the circulation of an online petition to the Alabama Department of Transportation to include bicyclist and pedestrian lanes on the future I-10 Mobile River ridge. To review the petition and consider signing on please go to:

Alabama Pedestrian Path Petition.