When you become injured, you’re not only dealing with pain, suffering and medical costs – you must also face the reality that you may never be able to provide for your family again. If this describes your situation, then you probably know how stressful and worrisome this time can be. While there’s hope through Social Security disability benefits, not everyone gets approved.
Although Social Security disability coverage was developed as an early retirement plan for injured workers in the form of a monthly check, the system is complicated and difficult to navigate. As a result, injured persons are sometimes unfairly denied, especially if they’re first-time claimants, and must then go through a daunting appeal process.
Without a disability check, it can be a struggle to even put food in the refrigerator. If you applied for benefits and were denied, contact Moore Law Firm in Mobile, AL right away. We’ll fast-track the appeal process in order to get you the benefits you deserve as soon as possible.
Going Through The Process
Appealing the Social Security Administration’s decision to deny can be difficult, but luckily, our team of experienced lawyers can help guide you through the process. From claims to court hearings, we’ll be by your side every step of the way until you get approved. We’ll make sure you don’t make any critical mistakes, such as not filing on time, not submitting the required paperwork and not documenting your injuries correctly.
You might be asking, “How can I possibly afford a lawyer?” The answer is simple. At Moore Law Firm, your consultation is free and we do not charge any up-front costs. We also abide by the federally mandated cap on attorney fees. The law states that we cannot charge you more than 25% of your past-due benefits with a maximum limit of $6,000. This means that by the time you get approved, you’ll have accrued weeks, if not months, of disability checks owed to you. It is from that amount of money that your attorney fee is determined. After that, no additional charges will ever be deducted from your future monthly checks.
Moore Law Firm Can Get You Approved
Investing in the right lawyer is essential to getting your disability benefits. Conveniently located in downtown Mobile, Alabama and available 24/7 for calls and e-mails, we’re always ready to help you get the coverage you deserve. When every penny counts, there’s no time to waste – call us at (251) 445-7602 today.